Step into Success: Join Our Life-Changing Webinar

Every Bill You Upload Helps Raise $5!

Discover How It Works It’s Amazingly Simple

Upload Your Bills

Simply upload your monthly bills – cable, wireless, internet, satellite, and home security, to name a few.

Leave the Negotiation to Us

Our team will contact your service providers and negotiate lower rates on your behalf. We’re experts at haggling, so you don’t have to be.

Enjoy the Savings

We’ll show you exactly how much you can save each month. If we find you savings, you’ll only pay us 50% of those savings each month, or you can choose one of our pay-in-full discounts for even more savings.
Go Green, Save Green!

Unlock Solar Savings Without the Hassle of Panels

Zero Installation, Pure Savings

Connect to local solar farms without installing any panels and start saving up to 10% on your electricity bills

Nationwide Access, Local Impact

Available for residents in multiple states, with plans to expand further, ensuring you have access to the best community solar savings no matter where you are.

Support Clean Energy

Join a growing movement that contributes to the production of clean energy, reducing the carbon footprint and supporting the environment.

Benefits of Joining MediCall

MediCall Your Family’s Wellness, Simplified

Convenience and Cost-Effective

Avoid the traditional health care hassles and high costs. MediCall offers a modern solution for just $29.99/month, covering up to 5 family members.

Comprehensive Care

Whether it’s a common cold or something more, get advice, treatment recommendations, and even prescriptions for non-DEA controlled medications.

Prescription Savings

Save between 15% – 60% on generic drugs and 15% – 25% on brand names at pharmacies across the country.
Saving on Bills Equals Substantial Support for Your Cause

Boost Your Fundraising with Zero Effort, All Impact

Contact-Free, Hassle-Free

Jumpstart your fundraising with a turnkey solution that requires no selling, inventory, or upfront costs.

Dual Benefits

Your supporters save on their bills, while your organization earns proceeds, creating a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Zero Risk, All Reward

With no commitments and no fees to start, our program offers a risk-free opportunity to significantly boost your fundraising goals.